March 23 and on--

Check Google classroom-- Long distance learning begins!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

1. ) How many words can you find hidden in the phrase "Happy Halloween"? Make a list. Select TEN words to use in FIVE compound sentences.
(A compound sentence is a sentence with two independent clauses. Example: I went to the store, and I bought candy corn.)

2. ) Use the following words to write a Halloween realistic fiction tale of no less than 100 words:
 * ghost
 * haunted mansion
 * eerie
 * goblin
 * costume
 * creepy
 * Halloween
 * candy
 * mask
 * trick-or-treat
 * party
 * full moon
 * spooky
 * monstrously
 * shriek

HW: Fri: Spelling Unit 10. Exercises 1-20, p. 52. Write misspelled word five times each.


Turned in IOA essay.

Edgar Allan Poe's The Pit and the Pendulum, rap!
A torture chamber ...The story of a man's attempt to survive in a torture chamber during the Spanish Inquisition, one of the most deadly inquisitions in history, more of a suspenseful thriller. If you had been sentenced to death in a torture chamber, what would you do? And what's in the Pit?

It’s Halloween, a good time to write about something scary: your fears and phobias. We’ve all got them.
Though it is normal to feel fear and stress — and an invaluable survival tool — a phobia, is a persistent and irrational fear of a particular type of object, animal, activity, or a situation that poses little to no actual danger. Some phobias can be so serious that you can have a panic attack. Some, less so.
Common phobias include the fear of: blood, injections, and other medical procedures;  certain animals (for instance, dogs or snakes); enclosed spaces (elevators); flying; high places (tall buildings); insects or spiders; lightning.

QW: Write about what you’re afraid of, and why. How do you deal with your fears? How do they affect your life? Are you the kind of person who enjoys horror stories and movies or scaring yourself in other ways? Why or why not?

Now, for a little more Edgar Allan Poe on Halloween, courtesy of The Simpsons and others.
The Raven--A man is mourning the loss of his love Lenore when her hears a knock at the door. He opens it to find nothing. Later a tap on the window, he opens the window and the raven flies in and perches on a bust of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. He concludes it is some sort of messenger so he asks it if he will ever see his love Lenore. The raven screeches "Nevermore" he asks all of these question and the replies are always "Nevermore."

Fun fact on Poe’s tomb it says,  "Quoth the Raven, Nevermore."

HW: Friday: Finish bio and last set of DEJs

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Planners checked. Six-week count handed in.
Graded yesterday's test.
Listened to: Virgil

HW: Thurs: Seedfolks worksheets due on Gonzalo, Leona, Sam and Virgil.
No mugs this week.
Fri: Spelling Unit 10. Exercises 1-20, p. 52. Write misspelled word five times each.

QW:  “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” --from The Diary of Anne Frank, the Dutch teen whose writing was published after her death in a Nazi concentration camp. Think about this. For you, for the person you are reading. Write--whatever comes to mind.

Counted entries and handed in Notebooks.
Worktime. IOA essays. Biographies.  Paragraph practice. Quietly and on your own.
HW: Thurs: Final Draft IOA essay, stapled ahead with RD and peer edit and self-evaluation
Fri: Last set of four DEJ entries due. Finish your biography

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Listened to Sam.

Quiz on the first six characters in Seedfolks, Staple your quiz, put up front on the desk.

HW: Weds: Planner Checks. Hand in a count.
Thurs: Seedfolks worksheets due on Gonzalo, Leona, Sam and Virgil.
No mugs this week.
Fri: Spelling Unit 10. Exercises 1-20, p. 52. Write misspelled word five times each.

Peer Edited of Rough draft IOA essay.
Worktime on that rough draft. If you are done, can work on thesis statements and paragraphs from last week. You can also work on finishing your biography and completing your last set of DEJ entries, which are due the day after Halloween!

Hand in notebooks on Weds. Bring IOA work/flash drives on Weds.

HW: Thurs: Final Draft IOA essay, stapled ahead with RD and peer edit and self-evaluation
Fri: Last set of four DEJ entries due. Finish your biography


Monday, October 28, 2013


Corrected Spelling homework and quiz from Friday.
Completed Spelling pretest, Unit 10

Discussed questions from Thursday on Ana, Kim and Wendell.
Listened to Gonzalo and Leona -- 12 minutes. Worked on handouts.

HW: Tues: Seedfolks quiz.
Weds: Planner Checks. Hand in a count.
Thurs: Seedfolks worksheets due on Gonzalo, Leona, Sam and Virgil.
No mugs this week.
Fri: Spelling Unit 10. Exercises 1-20, p. 52. Write misspelled word five times each.


IOA essay handouts.
Returning Significant Impact paragraphs. Can use these for IOA essay if you want, or not. Your choice.

Summarized on scrap paper what comments you got on your significant impact paragraph and what you will work on to improve. Handed in.

If not using significant impact paragraphs, file in portfolio. Otherwise file when you are done using them for your IOA essay.

Time to work on IOA rough draft, due tomorrow.

HW: Tues: Rough draft IOA essay for peer edit.
Notebooks to be handed in.
Thurs: Final Draft IOA essay, stapled ahead with RD and peer edit and self-evaluation
Fri: Last set of four DEJ entries due. Finish your biography


Thursday, October 24, 2013


Mugshots checked in and reviewed. Check-in sheet handed in for credit.
Check in Seedfolks worksheets.
QW: In literature, point of view refers to the person telling the story. This person is called the narrator. The narrator might be the author or a character in the story.
From whose point of view is each story in Seedfolks told? Why do you think the author keeps changing the point of view?

Did not quite finish discussion on Kim, Ana and Wendell.
But in your notebooks, jotted down a few ideas as so you are ready to talk about the following:
1.How do you imagine Kim feels about her life in this strange new city?
2. Why do you think Ana bought binoculars?
3. Do you think Kim and Ana will meet?  
4. Why were Ana and Wendell important to one another?
5. Why did Ana and Wendell try too hard to save Kim’s bean plants?
6. How did the idea of a garden affect Wendell’s personal life? (find page #)
7. Why did Wendell recall the biblical passage, “And a little child shall lead them?” (find page #)
HW: Fri: Spelling Unit 9, exercises p. 49, 1-20

QW: Pretend you are the person in your biography. Write an entry about the best day you ever had when you were a teenager. You may be making this up, but keep it in character with the person you are reading.
Make sure it is clear who you are.  Share?

Thesis and paragraph work. Continued. On your own today. Handouts. Must be done by the end of the period. Mechanics matter, especially no excuses words.

HW: Fri: Biography DEJ # 2 -- four more DEJ entries and two-thirds through the book.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Planner check
Worksheets due Thursday

In notebooks: short answer:
1. Why did Kim stand before the family altar? How did this make her feel?
2. What evidence revealed that Kim lived in a poor neighborhood?
3. Why did Kim suffer from the cold in April?
4. Why did Kim plant the lima bean seeds in the vacant lot? Why did she choose this time for her project?
5. What has happened to Ana’s neighborhood since she was a child? Why did Ana stay in her old neighborhood?
6. Why did Ana dig up Kim’s bean seeds? How did she feel when she realized what she had done?

And to think about and be ready to talk about:
How do you imagine Kim feels about her life in this strange new city? Why do you think Ana bought binoculars? Do you think Kim and Ana will meet?  

Listened to Wendell. Will discuss Wendell on Thursday.
    HW: Thurs: Mugshot week 8. Finish worksheets on Kim, Ana and Wendell. Make sure to do both of the written exercises at the bottom of the pages.   
Fri: Spelling Unit 9, exercises p. 49, 1-20


Finishing focus and thesis work.
 Now, as a group, or with partners, wrote one paragraph from your best thesis statement. If it’s too hard to write, fix your thesis statement.

HW: Fri: Biography DEJ # 2 -- four more DEJ entries and two-thirds through the book.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

QW: Stereotype is an oversimplified image of a certain person or group of people usually held in common by some part of society. Do you or members of your family hold any views that stereotype others? How can stereotypes be harmful to both the believer and the victim? Why do you think stereotypes develop? How can they be eliminated? Think carefully on these questions, write some answers and be ready to share those answers.

Poster Contest winner announced.
Novel projects returned. Took a few notes on things you need to do next time.

Listened to Ana, Seedfolks Chapter 2. We will discuss Kim and Ana and Wendell on tomorrow and Thursday. Be prepared!

HW: Weds: Planner Check
Thurs: Mug week 8.  Complete Seedfolks worksheets for Chapters 1, 2 and 3 (Voices of Kim, Ana and Wendell)
Fri: Spelling Unit 9, exercises 1-20, p. 49. Misspelled word five times.

Stapled ahead of time and in the basket: significant impact paragraph with rough draft and peer edit.

QW: Celebrities lead very stressful lives, for no matter how glamorous or powerful they are, they have too little privacy, too much pressure, and little or no safety.

A good thesis statement, huh? Now, write a great paragraph that has at least three body sentences and a concluding sentence. And, yes, we will be sharing these. Follow the logical structure set up by the thesis statements. Come up with reasons or evidence that support or show the three points in the thesis statement.

Finished work on focus and thesis statements.

HW: Fri: Biography DEJ # 2

Monday, October 21, 2013


Spell Pretest Unit 9
Gallery Walk--Poster Contest. Winner announced Tuesday.
Introduced Seedfolks. Packets. Name in books, on packets  and sign  sheet.

Listen to Seedfolks Chapter 1. Discuss. Fill out readers guide on Kim.

HW: Weds: Planner Check
Thurs: Mug week 8.  Complete Seedfolks worksheets for Chapters 1, 2 and 3 (Voices of Kim, Ana and Wendell)
Fri: Spelling Unit 9, exercises 1-20, p. 49. Misspelled word five times.

QW: A great paragraph that you write. Write three body sentences for the following thesis statement:
The best place for the perfect family vacation is Yosemite because of the fun recreational activities, the beautiful scenery in a pleasant location, and the economical lodging available.

Peer edit rough draft of significant impact paragraph. Final draft due tomorrow.

Finishing group/partner work on focus and thesis statements.

HW: Tues Final Draft significant impact paragraph. Include rough draft and peer edit. Typed only.
Fri: Biography DEJ # 2


National Dog Day


About Me

Sebastopol, CA
After many years as a newspaper reporter and writer, a job that I was lucky enough to love, I got my English teaching credential, hoping to pass on to kids how to find their unique voice and clearly communicate what they think and feel. Public school educated in Philadelphia, college in New York City (Barnard College), transferred to and graduated from UC Berkeley in English and received a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University. Yay, my son, my student in 8th grade, is now a Cal alumni, too, a 2017 graduate with a degree in computer science, now working at Google (You Tube) as a product manager. William Faulkner is one of my favorite writers, as well as Anne Lamott, Langston Hughes and many of the nighttime, satirical comedy shows. On my top bookshelf sit Nobel Prize winning writers Toni Morrison and Orhan Pamuk, along with friends who have won Pulitzer Prizes in journalism, who started writing in junior high or in writing groups in Sonoma County. Go public education in California!

"Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction"

The digital revolution and teens, from the New York Times--
"Sean's favorite medium is video games...he sometimes wishes that his parents would force him to quit playing and study..."